Tooth Extractions Greensboro

Removing Problem Teeth to Save Your Smile

No dentist wants to remove a patient’s natural teeth. The reason for preventive and restorative care is to help keep these pearly whites lasting as long as possible. Unfortunately, situations can arise that often mean extraction is the only option. When this happens, Dr. Bagley and Dr. Garcia are here to help. By providing safe and comfortable tooth extractions, we can save your smile from future problems that might cause lasting damage.

Why Choose Next Door Dental for Tooth Extractions?

  • Sedation Dentistry Available for Anxious Patients
  • In-House Dental Implant Placement & Restoration
  • Same-Day, Early Morning Dental Appointments

When are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

The decision to remove one or more of your teeth is not something we make lightly. If we find that your smile is at risk of more damaging health problems, we will recommend moving forward with tooth extraction. Other reasons we may suggest this solution include:

  • You have a cavity that cannot be treated with a filling or crown
  • Extensive facial trauma that has damaged a tooth beyond repair
  • Advanced gum disease that is causing the bone to weaken and a tooth to loosen
  • A primary (baby) tooth will not fall out on its own
  • You need orthodontic treatment but do not have enough room for teeth to shift