Dental Services Greensboro
Where Greensboro Can Smile Confidently
Families throughout Greensboro don’t need to worry about traveling to different dental offices to receive comprehensive, friendly, and state-of-the-art care. Instead, Dr. Thomas Bagley and Dr. Raul Garcia can provide an array of treatment options for every smile and age. From dental implant placement and restoration to sleep apnea treatment, children’s dentistry, and more, you can expect personalized service that promotes good oral health for a lifetime. Click the links below to learn more about each of the services we provide.
I Need a
Checkup or Cleaning
I Need a Dentist for
My Child
I Have a Cavity or
Broken Tooth
I am Missing One or
More Teeth
I Want to Enhance
My Smile
I’m Having Trouble
I Have a Dental Emergency
How We Treat Dental
Emergencies - The Most Common Dental Emergencies
- Tooth Extractions
- Wisdom Tooth Extractions